
Sustainability meets efficiency

Bewässerung optimieren, Erträge maximieren

Dilemma: Irrigation or reduced harvests?

In agriculture, especially in permanent crops, farmers are faced with the dilemma of an effective irrigation strategy. Excessive irrigation, although a supposedly safe option, leads to unnecessary water consumption, soil pollution and reduced crop quality in the long term. Too little water, on the other hand, can increase quality but reduce yields.

The challenge lies in the insufficient knowledge of the specific water requirements of different plants under varying soil conditions. This uncertainty often leads to water or drought stress, wasting resources and increasing operating costs. Without accurate data, it is difficult to develop a sustainable irrigation strategy that is both ecologically sound and yield-maximizing. Farmers must therefore find a balance between maintaining soil quality and optimizing crop yields.

Efficient water management with TreeSense

TreeSense offers the advanced solution for efficient water management in agriculture for permanent crops. The TreeSense solution collects and interprets precise data on the water requirements of trees using pulses and other sensors. Using the moisture content of grapevines, lemon trees, avocado trees, apple trees and many more, TreeSense enables growers to understand and optimize their irrigation strategy.

This leads to a significant reduction in water consumption and at the same time increases the quality of the fruit or the yield of fruit - whichever is more relevant in each case. TreeSense supports sustainable agricultural practices, promotes soil health and at the same time reduces operating costs in the long term.

Higher fruit quality through drought stress management

TreeSense increases fruit quality through precise irrigation control. Using the calculated moisture content in trees prevents over- and under-irrigation, promotes uniform growth and therefore better fruit quality. In viticulture, this enables the targeted use of drought stress to optimize wine taste.

Sustainably reduce operating costs

TreeSense can significantly reduce water costs. Precise, tree-specific irrigation control minimizes water wastage, which also reduces operating costs. Even with varying soil quality, the data from TreeSense makes it possible to take measures for more efficient irrigation in the long term and thus save costs.

A customized sensor setup for your individual problem

Depending on the issue at hand, our experts will recommend a sensor setup that is tailored to your requirements. As a general rule, more sensors achieve a higher resolution and precision of the analyses, but we consider cost-effectiveness to be the decisive factor when making decisions.

Get started in a few simple steps

TreeSense solutions are designed for easy implementation. All sensors are easy to install and integrate seamlessly into the TreeSense Cloud, making them easy to set up and use for users of all skill levels. You can make a big impact with just a little effort.

TreeSense sensors

TreeSense Dendro

TreeSense dendrometers are tools for precise monitoring of tree growth. Minimal maintenance with maximum accuracy.

To the sensor
TreeSense FDR

TreeSense FDR offers precise tracking of soil moisture in percent. With easy handling and interpretation.

To the sensor
TreeSense Pulse

The early detection of drought stress in tree crowns through the use of Pulse enables proactive irrigation planning.

To the sensor
TreeSense Watermark

Use findings on water availability in the soil to optimize your irrigation strategy.

To the sensor
TreeSense Cloud



Learn more

Any questions?

Semir Babajić
Chief Executive Officer
+49 176 34575381

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FAQ on agriculture
How exactly does TreeSense measure water requirements?

Pulse measures the electrical resistance in the water-bearing layer, from which the water content in the wood is calculated, i.e. how much water the plant is lacking. The soil moisture sensors are used to determine how much water is already available in the soil. Based on both information and knowledge of the soil and plant species, it is possible to estimate how much water the plant needs.

Is TreeSense suitable for all plant species?

Yes, Pulse can be mounted on all trees. Soil moisture sensors can be installed in almost any soil. It is important to document the soil and tree information so that the interpretation of the data on the TreeSense Cloud enables a tree-specific view of the water balance.

How many sensors do I need?

This depends heavily on the homogeneity of the conditions, i.e. primarily the soil and the plants. The more sensors you use, the more precise the irrigation strategy can be. We recommend starting with a small number of sensors (2-3 per hectare) and increasing them if necessary.

Does TreeSense offer real-time data analysis?

Yes, TreeSense offers real-time data analysis. The sensors send the raw data via LoRaWAN or NB-IoT to the TreeSense Cloud, where it is analyzed in real time. This enables the farmer to react as quickly as possible to changes in the water balance and prevent damage to the plant.